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Sara B.

Today, Sara speaks to us about her journey to apologetics, women supporting women and impressive messages God has spoken to her.

Sara BA

Sara B.

How I grew up and my childhood: I grew up in an all-American family in an all-American town, smack in the middle of the United States along the Missouri River: also known as Dakota City, Nebraska.

In my neck of the woods, there were not many paved roads. Our calling card was the familiar crunch of tires on the gravel.

The setting of my childhood was still, but not settled. So much in the world was rapidly evolving in the era between the late seventies into the early nineties.

My family owned a small manufacturing business. Manufacturing in the United States was growing more and more difficult with the outsourcing of cheaper materials and processes overseas.

The times were changing and they took us along for the ride.

But because it was small and somewhat isolated, I had a lot of time on my hands and fewer people or digital influences to occupy my energy. The chance to just be, listen, take in the world around me, think, absorb, and ask was mine.

It was in these quiet moments that God began to reveal Himself to me.

Inspiring biblical passage of the moment: “Seek the Lord while he may be found: call on Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).

I feel an urgency that is reflected in this verse. My children are growing up in a world that tells them Jesus is “made up.” The worldview we once took for granted (Judeo-Christian) is rapidly deteriorating, even by professed Christians. It’s getting watered down in our postmodern world that values relativism over the exclusive claim of absolute truth. This transition is difficult to watch, and I’m not into spectator sports, so I’m jumping in to push back and preserve our Christian heritage.

Spiritual growth focus of the moment: I am choosing to trust God and not fear. Fear incites my flesh response to circumstances, like a knee-jerk reaction that seems to have a domino effect in quarantining families (lol). It weakens my self-control, which is a problem for bearing fruits of the Spirit. These times are tough. I want to stand strong so I can pull from God’s strength to work for Him even more now than before.

Profession: I am a lawyer and apologist. I have my law degree, and I am almost finished with my Masters of Divinity in Christian Apologetics.

If you wrote a memoir, what would the title be? If I could write a memoir the title would be On Mulberry Lane.

When did I first encounter God and how did I encounter him? I had some interesting experiences growing up and even more interesting experiences during my conversion in my mid-twenties. The Missouri River Valley where I grew up was full of super tall Cottonwood trees. One of them closest to our back door had an image in the bark, probably 40 feet tall, of Jesus. It was like someone carved out the bark to make this very unmistakable depiction of Him. It looked just like the image on the Shroud of Turin. I pointed it out to my mom one day as a little girl, “Look mom, there’s Jesus.” She looked and almost passed out. I also went to Sunday school and VBS growing up. He’s made Himself very known to me in visions and dreams since then.

How has my relationship with Jesus changed me? Great question! When I was 25 studying for the bar exam, I heard the voice of God say to me one night, “I’ll come for you when you overcome your vanity.” It scared me! I was newly married, so I immediately told my husband that God just spoke to me. We both agreed that looks-wise, I was not vain. Still somewhat trembling from the experience I reached for a Bible and opened it haphazardly to Ecclesiastes and read “Vanity of Vanity, ALL is vanity.” Needless-to-say, God got my attention. I was seeking worldly validation and credibility. My whole heart was set on being something in the world. He wanted me to shift course. It took some time, another vision, some hard knocks and finally I changed course to ministry.

What has helped me grow spiritually in this season? A group of Christian ladies that we have dubbed “Christian mommas supporting one another.” Also, a writing support group. Both of these online groups I have met some amazing ladies, and we really do support one another. They model godly behavior and wisdom. It’s a beautiful thing when women get behind other women.

“It’s a beautiful thing when women get behind other women.”

Just read/currently reading (and what has it taught you?): I am currently reading Ravi Zacharias’ The Logic of God. It’s great! Right up my alley. It has confirmed that the current attack on Christianity is through intellect, which really masquerades as a stubborn heart that is not open to truth.

“The current attack on Christianity is through intellect, which really masquerades as a stubborn heart that is not open to truth.”

Top three essentials: 1) Jesus; 2) family; 3) Bible.

How did God speak to me recently? I had a dream where I went to a seminar and the key note speaker was an angel or Jesus. He said “The times we are entering will be more deep than wide.” I asked in my mind what he meant. He clarified, “They will be swift, but terrible.” That’s a pretty direct message. Take it however you’d like. This is how He communicates to me. Yikes! I’m sure that’s a little weird for some people, but it is what it is for me.

Hobby: I love to play the piano and listen to music, read, spend time with family and honestly by myself to commune with God, too.

Practical tips for staying spiritually strong: 1) Thank God for everything, even the difficult seasons; 2) Ask big and don’t get disappointed however He chooses to answer; 3) Read the Bible every day.

“Thank God for everything, even the difficult seasons.”

Favorite person in Scripture: I love John the Baptist. I secretly want to have wild hair and live off the land. Wouldn’t it be great to never have to get ready or care how you look? I also love his call to repentance. Essential to salvation. He was the precursor to Jesus just like repentance is the precursor to salvation. It’s the good fruit that only good trees can produce.

What do you want people to learn about God when they look at you? When people look at me, I want them to learn that Jesus doesn’t expect perfect. He expects repentance. I’m very self-deprecating and love to incorporate humor. We are enough through Jesus, but we can’t get to Jesus if we cling stubbornly to our sin. There is now therefore no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

“Jesus doesn’t expect perfect.”

How do you engage with your community? I engage with my community through a local Bible study, volunteering at church, and I will start an internship at church this fall. We moved to our city last summer so we are still getting to know everyone and finding fits. I have an urge to start a neighborhood Bible study for this very progressive city, but I need more courage.

Favorite holiday? My favorite holiday is Christmas. It’s cozy, it’s family, and it’s Jesus.

A goal you have? A goal I have is to get published by a traditional publisher. I’m writing, learning, and growing. If it’s God’s will. He has worked out of me (and continues to work out of me) the desire to do anything for my glory. I have a couple messages I want to get out there that He has placed on my heart so I am honoring Him in doing so.

A special tradition you and your family engage in or keep: Our favorite tradition is decorating the night before for each of my children’s birthdays (I have five). The house becomes an explosion of banners and streamers. The kids love to wake up feeling so special.

Question you will ask when you get to heaven? I will ask God if it was really Him all those times I had dreams of Him. I believe it is, but I sure would like Him to tell me is was or not.

Thing you want to raise awareness about: I want to raise awareness that we can no longer trust culture to have our or our children’s best interests in mind. We cannot take the path of least resistance and delegate parenting duties to the schools, doctors, associations, government, social media giants, celebrities, movies etc. They have a different agenda, and it’s leading our children away from Jesus and toward an apostate belief system.

What does your morning routine consist of? My morning routine is not a routine at all, sadly. Every day is different. I really need to work on that. My oldest kids are self-sufficient. My youngest sometimes crawl into my bed so during quarantine we have lasted a little longer in our PJs than we would usually. I do like to tidy in the morning though.

What is on your nightstand? On my nightstand is a study of Revelation I wrote and that I keep thinking I’ll offer to teach again, this time online. Also, there is a lamp and a draft of my book proposal.

Define Christianity in a sentence: Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ where He abides in us and we abide in Him continually, by choice, through the denial of self and the taking up of our cross to follow Him.

For more Sara:

Until next time, keep witnessing!


4 thoughts on “Sara B. Leave a comment

  1. Wow! Really was encouraged by reading your story Sara! And thank you for offering both theological and practical advice! This was a helpful reminder below:

    “Practical tips for staying spiritually strong: 1) Thank God for everything, even the difficult seasons; 2) Ask big and don’t get disappointed however He chooses to answer; 3) Read the Bible every day.”

    Liked by 1 person

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