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Allison S.

Today, Allison speaks to us about giving our all, lessons from the life of Paul and motherhood.

Tell us a bit about how you grew up and your childhood: Growing up in a Christian family, I was fortunate to witness God’s presence in our lives. My parents taught me the importance of caring for one another without displaying arguments in front of us. They were always there for me and my sister, creating a strong sense of support. Though my Mom worked occasionally, she primarily looked after us at home. My Dad also worked and managed to spend quality time with us after school, even going the extra mile to prepare a late-night snack, which I cherished, even during my teenage years (Oh, the microwave grits he prepared! – and I still can’t quite figure out how to make them just right! Ha).

Our family dynamics were unique, revolving around my younger sister’s needs. When we were 8 and 6 years old, a life-changing car accident left her near dead, severely debilitated, and with a traumatic brain injury. From then on, our days were filled with hospital visits, therapy sessions, and medical appointments. Watching my sister learn how to pick up a spoon, feed herself, walk, and talk again gave me a great appreciation for the things in life that others may take for granted. Despite the challenges, I could see my parents’ dedication to both of us, working tirelessly to provide care and attention.

These experiences taught me the essence of caring for others, highlighting our individuality despite all of us being created in God’s image. My parents’ unwavering support shaped me profoundly and was a great source of comfort. Their support extended to my dreams, whether it was exploring Europe, attending art school, receiving my weekly gas and coffee allowance, getting a nose piercing when I was 21 years old (though they didn’t like it, my Dad did go with me!), or staying out way too late. Their guidance was steadfast, even during times when I made mistakes.

My parents were always present for school events, and if they could not make it due to unforeseen circumstances, my Grandmother or Grandma stepped in. I will always remember the time when my Dad had his wisdom teeth removed, yet he still managed to visit my school event afterward (groggy and still in the van, but present nonetheless). Equally memorable was the time when my sister’s hospital stay seemed to stretch on for endless months. During that time, my Grandma’s presence served as a steady strength and guidance. As I diligently tackled the challenges of mastering my multiplication tables, her unwavering support lifted me up, and she made sure that the essence of Christ’s love was woven into every effort I made. And then there was my Grandmother. She was more than just a breath of fresh air; she was a constant source of motivation. With genuine curiosity, she immersed herself in my latest ventures, always ready to provide her steadfast encouragement. Her pride in me became a cornerstone of my drive, and I silently held her in the highest regard. In her presence, I discovered a role model whose influence I cherished beyond measure.

Looking back, I realize how my entire family’s actions mirrored the love and grace of our faith. In moments of both joy and adversity, their commitment to God’s teachings strengthened our family bond. I am grateful for the lessons of care, compassion, and faith that they instilled in me, guiding me as I raise my own family today.

“These experiences taught me the essence of caring for others, highlighting our individuality despite all of us being created in God’s image.”

Inspiring biblical passage of the moment: The verse “Be still, and know I am God.” from Psalms 46:10 has held a special place in my heart for the past three years. This scripture took on profound significance after a series of traumatic events that occurred following the birth of my son. There was one specific moment that remains clear in my memory: awakening on the ventilator, bound, and immobile. In that moment, I felt the presence of God putting his hand on top of mine. It was as if He was telling me to find comfort in being still and to trust in His presence, even in the most challenging and uncertain moments of life.

Profession/Mission: My mission is to motivate and inspire mamas as they work on healing their gut, which can lead to more quality time with their kiddos. I strongly believe that this is a calling from God, a purpose that He has given me. I am using my artistic skills and nursing knowledge to offer a holistic approach to wellness. Because of my personal experiences (like having a special needs sibling, traumatic births, near-death experiences) and extensive education, I feel equipped to help others. My goal is to help moms find balance and a better life, and I am excited to support them on this important journey.

“My goal is to help moms find balance and a better life, and I am excited to support them on this important journey.”

If you wrote a memoir, what would the title be? If I were to write down my life’s story, it would be called, “All-or-Nothing”. My husband will laugh at this! Ha! But I choose this title because it captures the essence of who I am. I have always been the kind of person who gives my all to everything I do, without holding back- sometimes to a fault. Whether it is pursuing a goal, facing challenges, or supporting my loved ones, I put my heart and soul into it. There is no middle ground for me; I am driven by a desire to wholeheartedly engage in life’s experiences. This all-or-nothing approach has led me through both thrilling highs and daunting lows.

When I set my sights on something, I invest myself completely, pouring in my energy, time, and passion. It is an intense way to live, but it has also allowed me to achieve things I never thought possible. However, it is not without its challenges. There have been moments of burnout and times when I have had to learn the importance of balance. But this way of living has shaped my character. It has taught me resilience, determination, discipline, and the value of embracing every moment fully. It has also deepened my connections with others, as I approach relationships with the same level of dedication. While my ‘all-or-nothing’ mentality comes with its complexities, it is a defining part of who I am, and it fuels my commitment to making the most out of every opportunity that life presents.

How has your relationship with Him changed you? My connection with Jesus has transformed me in ways I never thought possible. And let me tell you, these changes are not what I had planned for myself. But in a surprising and amazing way! Through my relationship with Jesus, I have been able to break through my own boundaries and put my trust in Him. This has empowered me to take big steps in my life. I have taken brave risks in my relationships, career, education, giving birth, handling money, and even in how I see myself. I have learned to step into the unknown with faith and trust, knowing that Jesus is by my side. My relationship with Jesus has given me the courage to face uncertainties, and it has shown me that I can overcome obstacles that seemed impossible before. This journey has been an unexpected and incredible one, filled with growth and a deeper sense of purpose.

“My relationship with Jesus has given me the courage to face uncertainties, and it has shown me that I can overcome obstacles that seemed impossible before.”

What has helped you grow spiritually in this season? Dedicating time to be with God, regardless of the situation, has truly enriched my spiritual journey in this phase of my life. Even on days when I am feeling exhausted, I make it a point to wake up and have a peaceful moment with Him. This practice has had a profound impact on me. It has taught me the importance of prioritizing my relationship with God, even during the busyness of life. Taking that time to connect with Him, whether it is through prayer, reading, or reflection, has given me a sense of inner strength and peace. It is like recharging my spiritual batteries, allowing me to approach each day with a more grounded and positive perspective! His presence always brings me a sense of renewal and inspiration.

Top three essentials: (I had to do 4! ha)

1. Coffee and/or Tea: Starting my day with a cup of coffee or tea feels like a warm hug.

2. Early Morning Sunlight: The sunlight makes everything look hopeful and new. I love spending time alone in nature when the sun is coming up.

3. Time to Myself: This looks like me reading a book, reading my kindle, taking a warm bath alone, sipping on a cuppa tea before bed, or sitting in my hammock.

4. Vaseline for my lips. I do not do dry lips.

How did God speak to you recently? Lately, I have been revisiting the book of James, which happens to be my absolute favorite in the Bible. Recently, I was reading James 4. In this chapter, specifically James 4:13-17, James delivers a strong message about recognizing the uncertainty of the future and the importance of involving God in our plans. He emphasizes that excluding God from our plans is like disregarding His presence entirely. This part of the Bible really resonates with me because there have been times in my life where I tried to take control of situations completely. It is such a wonderful reminder that God is the ultimate guide, and I cannot predict or control everything on my own! I have had moments where I have been humbled and reminded that it is God who is truly in charge! Reading and reflecting on this chapter has been enlightening. It is a timeless lesson that hits home for me. Every time I read James, it peels back new layers of understanding. It is a beautiful reminder to keep God at the forefront of my plans and to surrender my need for control to Him.

Hobby: Oh wow, I have so many hobbies. I am all about staying active with regular workouts. This is my way of keeping both my body and mind in a good place. And I cannot resist diving into a good book. I absolutely love a warm cup of coffee or tea. This is the perfect way to kickstart my mornings, spend my afternoons, and end my day. Dancing with my kids is my secret ingredient for laughter and unforgettable moments.

Top three practical tips for staying spiritually strong: My tips for staying spiritually strong would be: creating a positive morning routine that involves spending time with God, engaging in prayer, and revisiting His teachings in the Bible. Even if you are re-reading a chapter or verse you are familiar with, its meaning can resonate differently depending on where you are in life. The important thing is to be consistent in this routine. Showing up for God in this way brings Him joy and satisfaction. And as you make this effort, God can unveil new aspects of Himself to you, offering fresh insights and realizations.

Favorite person in scripture? Choosing a favorite person in scripture is challenging, but I would have to say Paul. He was a ‘go all-in or go home’ kind of person, just like me. His intense dedication and tireless efforts to guide the church and help them understand God’s ways inspire me greatly. What really resonates with me is how Paul followed God’s guidance without hesitation. He surrendered everything to fulfill God’s purpose, which brings me comfort. Paul’s unwavering commitment to the people he was teaching and his devotion to God’s will is truly remarkable. A passage that captures this spirit is Romans 15:30, where Paul urges others to support him through their prayers: “I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me…” This shows his humility and willingness to share his journey with fellow believers. In a way, Paul’s example encourages me to approach life with the same all-or-nothing attitude and to embrace God’s guidance with open arms.

“In a way, Paul’s example encourages me to approach life with the same all-or-nothing attitude and to embrace God’s guidance with open arms.”

What do you want people to learn about God when they look at you? I desire for others to have faith. I want them to witness the miracles He performs and experience His empowering even in our moments of weakness. It is crucial for people to understand that with Him, everything is attainable. I aspire for others to witness me living out God’s plans for my life, following His call. I aim for others to see me embracing what He expects from us as Christians. I want them to witness it in our daily lives, within our families, how we raise our kiddos, our interactions with others, and how we treat our spouses.

A special tradition you and your family engage in or keep: My family and I have a tradition of going on a Thanksgiving getaway every year. This special time away allows us to come together, express gratitude, and create lasting memories. Additionally, we embrace a more understated approach to Christmas celebrations, focusing on the true essence of the holiday and cherishing moments spent together rather than excessive gifts and materialism.

Question you will ask when you get to heaven? When I get to heaven, I will most definitely ask, “What are cockroaches for?”

Thing you want to raise awareness about: I am truly passionate about shedding light on several important topics that deeply resonate with me!. Among these topics is advocating for women’s birth rights. This was sparked by a thought-provoking conversation I initiated in a mom’s Facebook group when I questioned my own birth rights before welcoming my second child. It is crucial to understand that you have a voice in your birthing choices, and agreeing to a C-section solely based on a doctor’s suggestion is not the only path. This naturally drives me to support VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), as they showcase the importance of asking questions and staying informed.

When it comes to labor, there is more to consider than what I have found most women realize. Keeping your energy up by eating and drinking during labor is a smart move. Also, how you position yourself matters; lying flat on your back might not be the best choice. Medications during labor also need careful thought, as they can have side effects. This is all just my opinion but what’s important to me is that women are informed and given options.

And breastfeeding! I have nursed all three of my children for a combined total of nearly 9 years. Breastfeeding is such a special journey filled with challenges and learning, not just for the baby but for the mother as well. If challenges arise, I encourage mamas to be persistent, find a lactation consultant, go to a local La Leche League meeting, or reach out to other moms that have breastfed for advice. There are so many factors that influence milk production- and if I can do it through pregnancies, jaundiced babies, tongue ties, extremely fussy babies, nearly dying and losing extreme blood volume, while going to school full time, while working full time- I believe you can successfully breastfeed too.

Lastly, my unwavering belief in functional medicine springs from its alignment with God’s inherent design for our bodies. By embracing both foundational and functional medicine, we grant our bodies the opportunity to function optimally in line with His intentions. I pray so hard that the conventional medical model changes and people realize that hard work and lifestyle changes are where it’s at instead of quick fixes with a pill.

Define Christianity in a sentence: Christianity is the belief (and power itself) of God’s grace to us.

For more Allison:

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Until next time, keep witnessing!


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