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Brenna B.

Today, Brenna speaks to us about breaking through fear, how she dealt with a recent frustration and an author that has helped her spiritual growth.


Brenna B.

Inspiring biblical passage of the moment: “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John 4:16

Spiritual growth focus at the moment: I am really focusing on surrendering my life and my will to God. I want to live my life 100% out of love and not fear. I am currently working towards dismantling the wall that I’ve created, as a false sense of love, security and protection, and replacing it with love. This wall is created by fear, untruth, trauma and the past – not truth nor love. And, it is blocking me off from God’s love, truth, abundance and life in FULL.

“I am currently working towards dismantling the wall that I’ve created as a false sense of love, security and protection, and replacing it with love.”

Profession: I am a Light Worker, most of all. I created my business with the intention of being an open channel for God to heal the world. It is a place in which I can use my gifts. I am so passionate about health, nutrition, spirituality and movement. I have a blog and I am an influencer. I am also a holistic health coach, and I create programs to help people live their life in full and claim their Higher Self – the version of them that’s thoughts and ways are aligned with God’s thoughts and ways for them.

A one sentence bio of yourself: I am a truth and love seeker.

When did you first encounter God and how did you encounter Him? I was at my lowest point in 2014. I was sick in the body and in the mind. My soul was troubled, and I was desperate. So, when my sister got me the Daily Walk Bible, I decided to start it January 1st and Jesus picked me up and became my everything!

What has helped you grow spiritually in this season? Wow, this season has been tough and messy, but the most beautiful. I started studying A Course in Miracles and realized how much of my life was based on fear. I’ve been focused on fully surrendering and getting to know God. I realized I was not living up to my potential, I was not living a life in full and I was sick of settling. I can’t just take all the Jesus did for me for granted. He died and suffered so that I could LIVE. I need to show Him how grateful I am for that. I am really trying to do the work and get honest with myself, God and others. I am trying to do everything I feel called to do and get out of my comfort zone. I am putting God first and spend so much time learning about Him and spending time with Him!

Just read/currently reading (and what has it taught you?): I recently read You are the One by Kute Blackson; it’s amazing. It has inspired my to get out there and use my gifts. I also have been reading a lot of Marianne Williamson’s books. They’re based on A Course in Miracles.

Top three essentials: My fill-up bag (journal, Bible, ACIM, daily devo), my phone, tennis shoes!

How did God speak to you recently? I had a dream the other night after praying about Him revealing something to me! Also, this morning – actually! I was upset with my dad because I saw that he had been drinking soda pop, eating milk duds and popcorn and Costco Chinese chicken salad. Let, me give you some background *laughs* he came to me after Christmas and said that he really needed help and that he was heavier than ever. He looked miserable. I told him I would cook for him, if he agreed to a few things. No soda pop or processed foods, no sugar, no grains for a month. So, after putting in time, money, engage and emotion– I was upset. I wasn’t going to cook for him anymore. I was going to say, that he didn’t keep up with his agreement so I wasn’t going to cook for him anymore. I went into my room and prayed God help me be more like Him and guide me. Well, as I was making my breakfast, I just smoothly started making his. I though to myself “How can I see myself in dad. What would I be feeling and what would I need.” We are all one, after all!

Hobby: I grew up with a love for riding horses, I still do but haven’t gotten on in a while. I need to! I also love cooking for my loved ones. I really love what I do, my blog started as a hobby but turn

Favorite person in scripture? I am actually not quite sure, there are so many. I love the story of Jonah. I think I can relate a lot to him. He tried to run the opposite direction that God told him to go because he was scared. But, in the end – Gods Will be DONE and all was beautiful.

What do you want people to learn about God when they look at you? I want them to know that God sees them as He created them, which is perfect, beautiful and innocent. Now, they just have to reprogram the way they see themselves and align it with His. His is the truth. We are ideas in the mind of God. God is Love. Only God’s thoughts are real. So, we are love and the thoughts of fear or of guilt are an illusion.

How do you leave your mark on your community? You be yourself and pursue your truth. I like to get out and share all that I know with others. I think I also take the time to make sure I am in a good place where I can pour out and give to others – instead of being an “energy vampire.”

“I think I also take the time to make sure I am in a good place where I can pour out and give to others – instead of being an ‘energy vampire.'”

Favorite holiday? Christmas or Valentine’s Day.

A dream you have? I believe God created me with my dreams to drive me home and so that He can heal the world through me. “I didn’t choose my dreams, they chose me” – Kute Blackson. I dream of being in heaven on earth. I dream of speaking to people about God, truth and love. I dream of God using me all over the world to heal and inspire His children. I dream of having a loving family and successful business.

A special tradition you and your family engage in or keep: We always stay up until midnight on Christmas and open our stockings at midnight.

Question you will ask when you get to heaven? I don’t think I’ll have questions, just a lot of praising to do. I am actually so excited!!!

Thing you want to raise awareness about: God is love and truth. He is the Answer and the Way!

What do you usually do before 9 a.m.? I go to the gym, get on my knees (prayer), meditate, fill up while I drink my hot water with lemon and cayenne, and make myself a green juice or bowl of fruit!

What is on your nightstand? Bible, ACIM, Journal and a cup of water. Oh and a reminder to myself, right now its “Support your sisters.”

Define Christianity in a sentence: Learning about Jesus, getting to know Jesus and trying to be more like Him. LOVE Him and therefore love yourself and others.

For more Brenna:

Until next time, keep witnessing!

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