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Irene C.

Today, Irene shares thoughts with us about handling the unknown, healing from an eating disorder, and the secrets to healing relational wounds that many of us carry. She reminds us that God holds all things together. She was beautifully open with us, and I know you will be blessed. Thank you, Irene!


Irene C.

Inspiring biblical passage of the moment: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

As someone who struggles with anxiety, this verse convicts me in believing that God does work everything for the good of those who love Him, and that I need to surrender my worries and thoughts to Him trusting that He will take care of me.  

Spiritual growth focus at the moment: To not be anxious // Matthew 6: 25-34 // I think a lot of us struggle with the fear of the unknown of the future, but Jesus says to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and to not worry about tomorrow, for we do not know what tomorrow may bring. Jesus wants us to trust in His plan for us. While we try so hard to plan out every single detail of our lives, God’s plan for us is far greater than our own.

“While we try so hard to plan out every single detail of our lives, God’s plan for us is far greater than our own.”

Profession: I recently became unemployed but I’m still on the job hunt.

A one sentence bio of yourself: Learning to live life fully for Christ.

When did you first encounter God: I was raised in a Christian home, but I would say I did not encounter God until high school. I was battling depression, anxiety, and an eating disorder, but I finally understood that my worth is in Christ and being a daughter of God.

What has helped you grow spiritually in this season: Vulnerability. Having people who accept you for the real you, pray for you, check up on you, and walk through life with you. We all want to show our “good” side, and many of us have been hurt by relationships, but the only way to heal relational wounds is in relationship. It’s definitely hard, but community does so much in our transformation.

“We all want to show our ‘good’ side, and many of us have been hurt by relationships, but the only way to heal relational wounds is in relationship.”

Just read/currently reading: I’m currently reading You and Me Forever by Francis Chan & Lisa Chan, and I just read He Speaks In The Silence by Diane Comer.

Top three essentials: A warm cup of coffee/tea, good music (I can’t go on a day without listening to music) and laughter.

How did God speak to you recently? “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) Recently, I have been feeling like nothing is working out in my life, but it reminds me that God holds all things together.

“God holds all things together.”

Hobby: Writing, running, hiking, taking photos, and reading.

Top three practical tips for staying spiritually strong:

Live in authentic community. We are not meant to go through life alone. Community is so crucial. It’s important to be surrounded by people who encourage you, love you for you, and most importantly: point you towards Jesus.

Be wise about what you let into your life— anything that does not grow you in your walk with the Lord needs to be cut out: toxic relationships, music, etc. It does a lot more damage than we think.

It’s a given, but to spend time with God. Praying, reading and meditating on His Word, worshiping, going outside, journaling. God created us to be in relationship with Him, so it makes sense that we draw near to God daily.

Favorite person in scripture: I would say my favorite person in scripture would have to be Moses. Although I have never had a stuttering problem, I identify the most with him because I have always felt like I was not eloquent and that I’m slow of speech. Moses said to the LORD, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” I related to this passage. But despite Moses feeling like he was inadequate, God used him in miraculous ways and led the people of Egypt out of captivity.

“But despite Moses feeling like he was inadequate, God used him in miraculous ways and led the people of Egypt out of captivity.”

What do you want people to learn about God when they look at you: I want people to see God’s light in me. That although I am broken, imperfect, and flawed, I want people to experience His fullness, joy, and grace.

Favorite season: Fall, no doubt. The season of leaves, pumpkin, scarves, sweaters, camping… I love everything about it.

Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving. I love what the holiday represents, and that is being thankful. To be grateful, expressing gratitude to those we love, eating food together, and it also makes me look forward to the rest of the holiday season (Christmas).

A special tradition you and your family engage in or keep: My family doesn’t really keep or engage in any special traditions now, but being raised in a Korean family, New Year’s is a big holiday in Korea. I remember dressing in my hanbok (Korean traditional dress), my family gathering together, and lots of eating Korean food.

“New Year’s is a big holiday in Korea.”

Question you will ask when you get to heaven: I’m really curious as to what Jesus wrote when He wrote on the sand in the story of the woman about to get stoned. I want to ask Him what He actually wrote.

Thing you want to raise awareness about: I’m passionate about mental health and wanting to get rid of the social stigma around it. Mental health should not be less important than physical health.

What do you usually do before 9 a.m.? I try to journal daily, spend time in the Word, and drink coffee or tea.

What is on your nightstand? My glasses, jewelry box, and books.

For more Irene:
Insta:  @eyereennn
Until next time, keep witnessing!

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